Muhannad Helvaci
Muhannad Helvaci
I grew up as a fourth-culture kid: being born in Syria, getting raised in Saudi Arabia, starting my career in Türkiye, and now enjoying the suburban life in the Netherlands—with a background like this, it’s no surprise that I have a multicultural perspective.
I've inherited the design genes from my father, an interior designer who nudged me toward 3D design to help digitalize his work. But I found my true calling in crafting digital experience rather than tangible ones. For the time being, I hope my daughter has inherited the design genes as well. Türkiye was a pivotal point in my life, where I dove into the creative world of design at a bustling agency, working on exciting projects from helping artists showcase their work online to making shopping more rewarding through loyalty programs. After moving to The Netherlands, I found myself in designing developer tools, making project management and development environments more accessible. This experience sparked my long-awaited interest in programming, and shortly after that I started coding myself!

JetBrainsProduct Designer

Aug 2021PresentAmsterdamThe Netherlands

GetirProduct Designer

Oct 2020Jun 2021İstanbulTürkiye

Hipo LabsProduct Designer

Jan 2020Oct 2020İstanbulTürkiye

-99 Design StudioUI/UX Designer
